
In this guide, we'll cover the HasOne relationship using CQL's Active Record syntax. Like in the previous BelongsToguide, we’ll start with an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to visually represent how the HasOne relationship works and build on the structure we already introduced with the BelongsTo relationship.

What is a HasOne Relationship?

The HasOne relationship indicates that one entity (a record) is related to exactly one other entity. For example, a User can have one Profile associated with it. This relationship is a one-to-one mapping between two entities.

Example Scenario: Users and Profiles

Let's say we have a system where:

  • A User can have one Profile.

  • A Profile belongs to one User.

We will represent this one-to-one relationship using CQL’s HasOne and BelongsTo associations.

Defining the Schema

We'll define the users and profiles tables in the schema using CQL.

AcmeDB = Cql::Schema.define(
  adapter: Cql::Adapter::Postgres,
) do
  table :users do
    text :name
    text :email

  table :profiles do
    bigint :user_id, index: true
    text :bio
    text :avatar_url
  • users table: Stores user details like name and email.

  • profiles table: Stores profile details like bio and avatar_url. It has a user_id foreign key referencing the userstable.

Defining the Models

Let’s define the User and Profile models in CQL, establishing the HasOne and BelongsTo relationships.

User Model

struct User< Cql::Record(Int64)
  db_context AcmeDB, :users

  getter id : Int64?
  getter name : String
  getter email : String

  # Initializing a new user with name and email
  def initialize(@name : String, @email : String)

  # Association: A User has one Profile
  has_one :profile, Profile
  • The has_one :profile association in the User model indicates that each user has one profile.

Profile Model

struct Profile < Cql::Record(Int64)
  db_context AcmeDB, :profiles

  getter id : Int64?
  getter user_id : Int64
  getter bio : String
  getter avatar_url : String

  # Initializing a profile with user_id, bio, and avatar_url
  def initialize(@user_id : Int64, @bio : String, @avatar_url : String)

  # Association: A Profile belongs to one User
  belongs_to :user, User
  • The belongs_to :user association in the Profile model links each profile to a user by its user_id.

Creating and Querying Records

Now that we have define the User and Profile models with a has_one and belongs_to relationship, let's see how to create and query records in CQL.

Creating a User and Profile

# Create a new User
user = User.new("John Doe", "john@example.com")

# Create a Profile for the User
profile = Profile.new(user.id.not_nil!, "Developer at Acme", "avatar_url.jpg")
  • First, we create a User and save it to the database.

  • Then, we create a Profile and associate it with the user by passing user.id as the user_id.

Accessing the Profile from the User

Once a user and their profile have been created, you can retrieve the profile using the has_one association.

# Fetch the user
user = User.find(1)

# Fetch the associated profile
profile = user.profile

puts profile.bio  # Outputs: "Developer at Acme"

Here, user.profile fetches the profile associated with the user.

Accessing the User from the Profile

Similarly, you can retrieve the associated user from the profile.

# Fetch the profile
profile = Profile.find(1)

# Fetch the associated user
user = profile.user

puts user.name  # Outputs: "John Doe"

In this example, profile.user fetches the User associated with that Profile.

Updating and Deleting the Associations

Updating the Profile for a User

You can update the profile associated with a user in the same way you would update any other record.

# Fetch the user
user = User.find(1)

# Update the user's profile
profile = user.profile
profile.bio = "Senior Developer at Acme"

Here, we retrieve the profile associated with the user, modify its bio, and save the changes.

Deleting the Profile

You can also delete the associated profile, but note that this does not automatically delete the user.

crystalCopy code# Fetch the user's profile
profile = user.profile

# Delete the profile

Similarly, deleting the user will not automatically delete the associated profile unless cascade rules are explicitly set in the database.


In this guide, we explored the has_one relationship in CQL. We:

  • Define the User and Profile tables in the schema.

  • Created corresponding models, specifying the has_one relationship in the User model and the belongs_torelationship in the Profile model.

  • Demonstrated how to create, query, update, and delete records using the has_one and belongs_to associations.

Next Steps

In the next guide, we’ll extend the ERD and cover the has_many relationship, which is commonly used when one entity is associated with multiple records (e.g., a post having many comments).

Feel free to experiment with the has_one relationship by adding more fields to your models, setting up validations, or extending your schema with more complex relationships.

Last updated