
In this guide, we'll cover the BelongsTo relationship using CQL's Active Record syntax. We'll start with an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to illustrate how this relationship works and continuously build upon this diagram as we introduce new relationships in subsequent guides.

What is a BelongsTo Relationship?

The BelongsTo association in a database indicates that one entity (a record) refers to another entity by holding a foreign key to that record. For example, a Comment belongs to a Post, and each comment references the Post it is associated with by storing the post_id as a foreign key.

Example Scenario: Posts and Comments

Let's say you have a blog system where:

  • A Post can have many Comments.

  • A Comment belongs to one Post.

We'll start by implementing the BelongsTo relationship from the Comment to the Post.

Defining the Schema

We'll first define the posts and comments tables using CQL’s schema DSL.

codeAcmeDB = Cql::Schema.define(
  adapter: Cql::Adapter::Postgres,
) do

  table :posts do
    text :title
    text :body
    timestamp :published_at

  table :comments do
    bigint :post_id
    text :body
  • posts table: Contains the blog post data (title, body, and published date).

  • comments table: Contains the comment data and a foreign key post_id which references the posts table.

Defining the Models

Next, we'll define the Post and Comment structs in CQL.

Post Model

struct Post < Cql::Record(Int64)
  db_context AcmeDB, :posts

  getter id : Int64?
  getter title : String
  getter body : String
  getter published_at : Time

  # Initializing a new post with title, body, and optional published_at
  def initialize(@title : String, @body : String, @published_at : Time = Time.utc)

Comment Model

struct Comment < Cql::Record(Int64)
  db_context AcmeDB, :comments

  getter id : Int64?
  getter post_id : Int64
  getter body : String

  # Initializing a comment with a post_id (foreign key) and body
  def initialize(@post_id : Int64, @body : String)

  # Association: Each Comment belongs to one Post
  belongs_to :post, Post

In the Comment model, we specify the belongs_to :post association, which links each comment to its parent post by using the post_id foreign key.

Creating and Querying Records

Now that we have db_contextd the Post and Comment models with a belongs_to relationship, let's see how to create and query records in CQL.

Creating a Post and Comment

# Create a new Post
comment =!, "Great post!")
comment.create_post("My First Blog Post", "This is the body of the post.")
  • We instantiate a Comment and associate it with the post by creating a post.

  • The post record is created and saved in the database.

  • And the returned id is then associtated to the comment.

Querying the Associated Post from a Comment

Once we have a comment, we can retrieve the associated post using the belongs_to association.

crystalCopy code# Fetch the comment
comment = Comment.find(1)

# Fetch the associated post
post =

puts post.title  # Outputs: "My First Blog Post"

In this example, will fetch the Post associated with that Comment.


In this guide, we’ve covered the basics of the belongs_to relationship in CQL. We:

  • Defined the Post and Comment tables in the schema.

  • Created the corresponding models, specifying the belongs_to relationship in the Comment model.

  • Showed how to create and query records using the belongs_to association.

Next Steps

In the next guides, we'll build on this ERD and introduce other types of relationships like has_one, has_many, and many_to_many. Stay tuned for the next part where we'll cover the has_many relationship!

Feel free to play around with this setup and extend the models or experiment with more queries to familiarize yourself with CQL's Active Record capabilities.

Last updated