class Cql::Table

Reference < Object

Represents a table in the database. This class is responsible for handling table creation, modification, and deletion.


table =, schema)
=> #<Table:0x00007f8e7a4e1e80>
table.column(:id, Int64, primary: true)
table.column(:name, String)
table =, schema)
=> nil
table =, schema)
=> nil

table =, schema)
table.column(:id, Int64, primary: true)
table.column(:name, String)
=> nil





def new(table_name : Symbol, schema : Schema, as_name : String | Nil = nil)

Instance Methods

def add_index(columns : Array(Symbol), unique : Bool = false, table : Table = self)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param columns [Array(Symbol)] the columns to be indexed

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the index should be unique (default: false)

  • @param table [Table] the table to add the index to (default: self)

  • @return [Index] the new index

Example Adding a new index

add_index([:email], unique: true)
add_index([:email, :username], unique: true)
add_index([:email, :username], unique: true, table: users)

def as_name

def bigint(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

bigint :age
bigint :age, as: "user_age", null: false, default: 18, unique: true, index: true

def blob(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, size : Int32 | Nil = nil, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

blob :data
blob :data, as: "binary_data", null: false, default: nil, unique: true, index: true

def boolean(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

boolean :active
boolean :active, as: "is_active", null: false, default: false, unique: true, index: true

def column(name : Symbol, type : T.class, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, size : Int32 | Nil = nil, index : Bool = false) forall T

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param type [T.class] the data type of the column

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param size [Int32, nil] the size of the column (default: nil)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

column :email, String

def columns

def create!

Creates the table in the database.

  • @return [Nil]


table =, schema)
table.column(:id, Int64, primary: true)
table.column(:name, String)
=> nil

def create_sql

Generates the SQL to create the table.


table =, schema)
table.column(:id, Int64, primary: true)
table.column(:name, String)

def date(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

date :birthday
date :birthday, as: "date_of_birth", null: false, default: Time.local, unique: true, index: true

def double(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

double :age
double :age, as: "user_age", null: false, default: 18.0, unique: true, index: true

def drop!

Drops the table from the database.

  • @return [Nil]


table =, schema)
=> nil

def drop_sql

Generates the SQL to drop the table.

  • @return [String] the SQL query


table =, schema)
=> "DROP TABLE users;"

def expression

Gets table expression for Sql query generation

  • @return [Expression::Table] the table expression


table =, schema)
=> #<Expression::Table:0x00007f8e7a4e1e80>

def float(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

float :age
float :age, as: "user_age", null: false, default: 18.0, unique: true, index: true

def integer(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

integer :age
integer :age, as: "user_age", null: false, default: 18, unique: true, index: true

def interval(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

interval :duration
interval :duration, as: "time_span", null: false, default: Time.local, unique: true, index: true

def primary(name : Symbol = :id, type : T.class = Int64, auto_increment : Bool = true, as as_name = nil, unique : Bool = true) forall T

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param type [Any] the data type of the column

  • @param auto_increment [Bool] whether the column should auto increment (default: true)

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: true)

Example Adding a new primary key column

primary :id, Int64
primary :id, Int64, auto_increment: false

def table_name

def table_name=(table_name : Symbol)

def text(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, size : Int32 | Nil = nil, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

decimal :price
decimal :price, as: "product_price", null: false, default: 0.0, unique: true, index: true

def timestamp(name : Symbol, as as_name : String | Nil = nil, null : Bool = false, default : DB::Any = nil, unique : Bool = false, index : Bool = false)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param name [Symbol] the name of the column to be added

  • @param as_name [String, nil] an optional alias for the column

  • @param null [Bool] whether the column allows null values (default: false)

  • @param default [DB::Any, nil] the default value for the column (default: nil)

  • @param unique [Bool] whether the column should have a unique constraint (default: false)

  • @param index [Bool] whether the column should be indexed (default: false)

  • @return [Column] the new column

Example Adding a new column with default options

timestamp :created_at
timestamp :created_at, as: "created_at", null: false, default: Time.local, unique: true, index: true

def timestamps

Adds a new column to the table.

Example Adding timestamps to the table


def truncate!

Truncates the table in the database.

  • @return [Nil]


table =, schema)
=> nil

def truncate_sql

Generates the SQL to truncate the table.

  • @return [String] the SQL query


table =, schema)
=> "TRUNCATE TABLE users;"


macro method_missing(call)