class Cql::Index

Reference < Object

An index on a table This class represents an index on a table It provides methods for setting the columns and unique constraint It also provides methods for generating the index name

Example Creating a new index

schema.define do
  table :users do
    column :name, String
    column :email, String
    index [:name, :email], unique: true


def new(table : Table, columns : Array(Symbol), unique : Bool = false, name : String | Nil = nil)

Create a new index instance on a table

  • @param : table (Table) - The table to create the index on

  • @param : columns (Array(Symbol)) - The columns to index

  • @param : unique (Bool) - Whether the index should be unique (default: false)

  • @param : name (String, nil) - The name of the index (default: nil)

  • @return : Nil

  • @raise : Cql::Error if the table does not exist

  • @raise : Cql::Error if the column does not exist


index =, [:name, :email], unique: true)

Instance Methods

def columns

def index_name

Generate the index name

  • @return : String

  • @raise : Nil


index_name = index.index_name

def name

def name=(name : String | Nil)

def table

def unique?

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