class Cql::Repository(T, Pk)

Reference < Object

A repository for a specific table This class provides a high-level interface for interacting with a table It provides methods for querying, creating, updating, and deleting records It also provides methods for pagination and counting records

Example Creating a new repository

class UserRepository < Cql::Repository(User)
 def initialize(@schema : Schema, @table : Symbol)

user_repo =, :users)


def new(schema : Schema, table : Symbol)

Initialize the repository with a schema and table name

  • @param schema [Schema] The schema to use

  • @param table [Symbol] The name of the table

  • @return [Repository] The repository object

Example Creating a new repository

class UserRepository < Cql::Repository(User)

user_repo =, :users

Instance Methods

def all

Fetch all records of type T

  • @return [Array(T)] The records

Example Fetching all records


def build(attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))

Build a new object of type T with the given attributes

  • @param attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to use

  • @return [T] The new object

Example Building a new user object "Alice", email: " [email protected]")

def count

Count all records in the table

  • @return [Int64] The number of records

Example Counting all records


def create(attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))

Create a new record with given attributes

  • @param attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to use

  • @return [PrimaryKey] The ID of the new record Example Creating a new record

user_repo.create(name: "Alice", email: " [email protected]")

def create

def delete(id : Pk)

Delete a record by ID

  • @param id [PrimaryKey] The ID of the record

Example Deleting a record by ID


def delete

def delete_all

Delete all records in the table

Example Deleting all records


def delete_by

Delete records matching specific fields

  • @param fields [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The fields to match

Example Deleting records by email

user_repo.delete_by(email: " [email protected]")

def exists?

Check if records exist matching specific fields

  • @param fields [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The fields to match

  • @return [Bool] True if records exist, false otherwise

Example Checking if a record exists by email

user_repo.exists?(email: " [email protected]")

def find(id : Pk)

Find a record by ID, return nil if not found

  • @param id [PrimaryKey] The ID of the record

  • @return [T?] The record, or nil if not found

Example Fetching a record by ID


def find!(id : Pk)

Find a record by ID, raise an error if not found

  • @param id [PrimaryKey] The ID of the record

  • @return [T] The record

Example Fetching a record by ID


def find_all_by

Find all records matching specific fields

  • @param fields [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The fields to match

  • @return [Array(T)] The records

Example Fetching all active users

user_repo.find_all_by(active: true)

def find_by

Find a record by specific fields

  • @param fields [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The fields to match

  • @return [T?] The record, or nil if not found

Example Fetching a record by email

user_repo.find_by(email: " [email protected]")

def first

Fetch the first record in the table

  • @return [T?] The first record, or nil if the table is empty

Example Fetching the first record


def insert

def last

Fetch the last record in the table

  • @return [T?] The last record, or nil if the table is empty

Example Fetching the last record


def page(page_number, per_page = 10)

Paginate results based on page number and items per page

  • @param page_number [Int32] The page number to fetch

  • @param per_page [Int32] The number of items per page

  • @return [Array(T)] The records for the page

Example Paginating results, 10)

def per_page(per_page)

Limit the number of results per page

  • @param per_page [Int32] The number of items per page

  • @return [Array(T)] The records for the page

Example Limiting results per page


def query

def update(id : Pk, attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))

Update a record by ID with given attributes

  • @param id [PrimaryKey] The ID of the record

  • @param attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to update

Example Updating a record by ID

user_repo.update(1, active: true)

def update(id : Pk, **fields)

Update a record by ID with given fields

  • @param id [PrimaryKey] The ID of the record

  • @param fields [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The fields to update

Example Updating a record by ID

user_repo.update(1, active: true)

def update

def update_all(attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))

Update all records with given attributes

  • @param attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to update

Example Updating all records

user_repo.update_all(active: true)

def update_by(where_attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any), update_attrs : Hash(Symbol, DB::Any))

Update records matching where attributes with update attributes

  • @param where_attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to match

  • @param update_attrs [Hash(Symbol, DB::Any)] The attributes to update

Example Updating records by email

user_repo.update_by(email: " [email protected]", active: true)