class CQL::Schema

Reference < Object

The CQL::Schema class represents a database schema. It provides methods to build and manage database schemas, including creating tables, executing SQL statements, and generating queries.

Example: Creating a New Schema

schema = CQL::Schema.define(:northwind, "sqlite3://db.sqlite3") do
  table :users do
    primary :id, Int64, auto_increment: true
    column :name, String
    column :email, String


def define(name : Symbol, uri : String, &block)

Defines a new schema.

  • @param name [Symbol] The name of the schema.

  • @param uri [String] The URI of the database.

  • @yield [Schema] The schema being defined.

  • @return [Schema] The defined schema.

def table(name : Symbol, &block)

Creates a new table in the schema.

  • @param name [Symbol] The name of the table.

  • @yield [Table] The table being created.

  • @return [Table] The created table.


schema.table :users do
  primary :id, Int64, auto_increment: true
  column :name, String
  column :email, String

def exec(sql : String)

Executes a raw SQL statement.

  • @param sql [String] The SQL statement to execute.

  • @return [Nil]


schema.exec("CREATE TABLE products (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)")

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