Creating Records

The CQL::Insert class in the CQL (Crystal Query Language) module is a powerful tool designed to simplify the process of inserting records into a database. As a software developer, you'll find this class essential for building INSERT queries in a clean, readable, and chainable way.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the core functionality, explain each method in detail, and provide real-world examples to help you understand how to integrate CQL::Insert into your applications.

Key Features

  1. Insert records into any table with ease.

  2. Insert multiple records in a single query.

  3. Insert records using data fetched from another query.

  4. Get the last inserted ID after an insert.

  5. Chainable, intuitive syntax for building complex queries.

Real-World Example: Inserting User Data

Let’s start with a simple example of inserting a new user into the users table.

  .values(name: "Alice", email: "", age: 29)

This example demonstrates how you can insert a new user with their name, email, and age using the values method, followed by commit to execute the insert.

Core Methods

Let's dive into the individual methods and how you can use them.

1. into(table : Symbol)

Purpose: Specifies the table into which the data will be inserted. This is your starting point for any insert operation.

  • Parameter: table (Symbol) — The name of the table to insert into.

  • Returns: Insert object (enabling chaining).



In the above code, we're targeting the users table. This is where subsequent data will be inserted.

2. values(**fields)

Purpose: Specifies the data (fields and values) to insert. The values method can accept either a hash or keyword arguments.

  • Parameter: fields (Hash or keyword arguments) — A mapping of column names to their values.

  • Returns: Insert object (for chaining).

Real-World Example 1: Adding a Single User

  .values(name: "Bob", email: "", age: 35)

Here, we’re adding a new user named Bob, specifying their name, email, and age.

Real-World Example 2: Adding Multiple Users in One Query

    {name: "John", email: "", age: 30},
    {name: "Jane", email: "", age: 25}

This example demonstrates how you can insert multiple users in a single query. It’s efficient and reduces database round trips.

3. last_insert_id(as type : PrimaryKeyType = Int64)

Purpose: Retrieves the ID of the last inserted row. This is incredibly useful when you need to work with the inserted record immediately after an insert, especially in cases where the primary key is automatically generated.

  • Parameter: type (default: Int64) — The data type of the returned ID.

  • Returns: The last inserted ID as Int64 or the specified type.


last_id = insert
  .values(name: "Charlie", email: "", age: 22)
puts last_id  # Outputs the last inserted ID

4. query(query : Query)

Purpose: Instead of manually specifying values, you can use data fetched from another query to populate the insert. This is useful in situations like copying data from one table to another.

  • Parameter: query — A query object that fetches the data to insert.

  • Returns: Insert object (for chaining).

Real-World Example: Copying Data from One Table to Another

Imagine you want to copy user data from an archive table (archived_users) to the main users table.

  .query(select.from(:archived_users).where(active: true))

In this example, we’re selecting all active users from archived_users and inserting them into the users table in one go.

5. back(*columns : Symbol)

Purpose: After an insert operation, you may want to return certain columns, like an ID or timestamp. The back method allows you to specify which columns should be returned.

  • Parameter: columns — One or more symbols representing the columns to return.

  • Returns: Insert object (for chaining).


  .values(name: "David", email: "", age: 28)

In this case, after inserting the new user, we’re returning the id of the newly inserted row.

6. commit

Purpose: Executes the built INSERT query and commits the transaction to the database. This is the final step in your insert operation.

  • Returns: The result of the insert, typically the number of affected rows or the last inserted ID.


  .values(name: "Eva", email: "", age: 31)

This will execute the INSERT statement and commit it to the database, saving the new user’s data.

Advanced Example: Using Insert with Chained Operations

Let’s consider a more advanced example where you insert a new user, return their ID, and use it in subsequent operations.

user_id = insert
  .values(name: "Frank", email: "", age: 27)

# Now use `user_id` in another query, e.g., to insert into a related table
  .values(user_id: user_id, bio: "Software developer from NYC", twitter: "@frankdev")

In this example, after inserting the new user, we immediately get the user_id and use it to insert data into the user_profiles table.

Handling Errors

In case an insert operation fails, the commit method automatically logs the error and raises an exception. This allows you to catch and handle the error as needed in your application.


    .values(name: nil)  # This will likely fail due to a NOT NULL constraint
rescue ex
  puts "Insert failed: #{ex.message}"


The CQL::Insert class provides a flexible, chainable interface for inserting data into a database, whether you're inserting a single record, multiple records, or even records based on the results of a query. Its intuitive API makes it easy to use in real-world applications, and with error handling built-in, it helps ensure robust database operations.

With its simple syntax and powerful features, CQL::Insert streamlines your database interactions, allowing you to focus on building great features in your Crystal applications.

Last updated

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