class CQL::AlterTable

Reference < Object

The CQL::AlterTable class is responsible for handling alterations to the database schema. It allows you to add, drop, rename, and change columns in a table.

Example: Altering a Table

alter_table =
alter_table.add_column(:email, "string")
alter_table.rename_column(:email, :user_email)
alter_table.change_column(:age, "string")


def new

Creates a new AlterTable object.

  • @return [AlterTable] The new alter table object.


def add_column(column : Symbol, type : String)

Adds a new column to the table.

  • @param column [Symbol] The name of the column to add.

  • @param type [String] The data type of the new column.

  • @return [AlterTable] The updated alter table object.


alter_table.add_column(:email, "string")

def drop_column(column : Symbol)

Drops a column from the table.

  • @param column [Symbol] The name of the column to drop.

  • @return [AlterTable] The updated alter table object.



def rename_column(old_name : Symbol, new_name : Symbol)

Renames a column in the table.

  • @param old_name [Symbol] The current name of the column.

  • @param new_name [Symbol] The new name for the column.

  • @return [AlterTable] The updated alter table object.


alter_table.rename_column(:email, :user_email)

def change_column(column : Symbol, new_type : String)

Changes the data type of a column.

  • @param column [Symbol] The name of the column to change.

  • @param new_type [String] The new data type for the column.

  • @return [AlterTable] The updated alter table object.


alter_table.change_column(:age, "string")

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