
The project specifications can be found in the specs directory. Use the directory to get an idea of the project capabilities and configuration.

Running Specs

If you have all the requirements installed, running the specs should be fairly simple. Run the following commands to run the specs locally

shards build server
crystal specs

Ensure you have a Postgres database process running with the correct credentials

Headless Mode

Specs run using the Flux shard, this allows for browser testing. Currently, the configuration is set to run headless by default, which means that you will not see the browser interactions, if you wish to change this behavior simply remove the `-headless` parameter for the spec/flows files

def initialize(@url : String, @username : String, @password : String)
  options = Marionette.firefox_options(args: ["-headless"])
  super(Marionette::Browser::Firefox, options)

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